Concert Bands

Wind Ensemble

The Wind Ensemble is the primary performing organization in the instrumental music department during the winter and spring. Membership is by audition only and will consist of upperclassmen and possibly rising All-State freshmen. The Wind Ensemble will be comprised of students with the performing ability necessary to achieve level V / VI literature. Wind Ensemble members are required to participate in Region and County auditions, Concert Performance Assessment, Solo and Ensemble, and Graduation as part of their grade.

Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is comprised of students with the performing ability necessary to achieve level IV / V literature. Symphonic Band members may be required to participate in Concert Performance Assessment. They are encouraged to participate in Region and County auditions and Solo and Ensemble. Membership is by recommendation of band directors.

Concert Band

The Concert Band is comprised of students with the performing ability necessary to achieve level III/IV literature. Membership is by recommendation of the band directors, including middle school directors.

Jazz Band

Students may elect to participate in the jazz band. The jazz band plays for local functions and performs for band concerts. Jazz band rehearsals are held once a week following the marching band season.