Booster Newsletter
August 9, 2024
VOLUNTEERING: As you know, Charms has been moved to Cut-time and it has taken us a while to figure out what method will be best as far as volunteer sign ups go. We found out from band camp sign ups that Cut-time does not have the same capabilities that Charms did, so it took a while to find the best solution moving forward. We appreciate your patience as we navigated through this process, and it looks like for most things will be using Sign up genius links. For those of you that were at the parent meeting and grabbed a volunteer form, please return those as soon as possible. If you were not at the meeting, you can download a form here: MavBand volunteer opportunities.pdf
For those that are interested in chaperoning or doing Pit Crew this year, we will have a meeting on Tuesday, August 13 at 6:45. Room TBA, so stay tuned for an announcement on Cut-time on Tuesday. It is vital that you attend this meeting if you have interest in either of these opportunities. If you are unable to make it, please reach out to Kim McClam our volunteer coordinator at
EXHIBITION: As Dr. Scheuch mentioned at the parent meeting, the Greenville County Marching Band Exhibition is hosted here at Mauldin HS on September 14. All Greenville County bands come to be critiqued by judges but are not in competition with each other. It is usually one of the favorite days among students because this is the only time that they are able to watch other GCS bands perform and cheer them on! Hosting an event of this size for Greenville County requires a significant amount of work, but it is also a lot of fun. It is a great opportunity to meet other band families and to share the hospitality of the Mav Band. One of the best ways to cover all of the work is to have at least one member of each Marching Band family sign up so that the work is spread around as much as possible. Time slots are generally limited to around 2 hours or so, and you can sign up for more than one slot as well. Please know that changes in the times or number of volunteers needed could occur as we get closer to the Exhibition. For planning purposes, Set Up crew times are usually around 8 or 9am, and shifts for the Exhibition start between 2pm-3pm. Mauldin is the last band to perform around 8-8:15pm, followed by a Mass Band performance with all bands at 8:30PM. Kim McClam will be sending out a sign up link with specific details sometime next week, so stay tuned for that!
If you have not been approved to be a Level II volunteer with the district, please USE THIS LINK to apply, as approvals can take up to 2 weeks.
**FUNDRAISERS: ** As Justin mentioned at the parent meeting, participation in our upcoming fundraisers is vital to the success of our band program. There are 3 upcoming fundraisers to be aware of.
Money Dolly: Dr. Scheuch will be relaying more information in the upcoming week or so with regards to how this works. Our friends at Hillcrest band generated $15,000 and we have several incentives and rewards in the works if we exceed that goal!
Car Wash: Saturday, August 24 from 9am-2pm. Tickets will be available for students to pre-sell beginning sometime next week.
Calendar Fundraiser: More information will go out in September about sponsoring a day with shout outs leading all the way to State Day!
If you were not aware, we have Yard signs that are for sale for $15/each. Please contact Heather Pratt at if you are interested in purchasing a Yard sign!
**MERCHANDISE: We have been exploring other vendors for merchandise this year and hope to have information to share with everyone in the next week! **We do have some clear bags and MavBand sunglasses that can be purchased on our site, Many venues require clear bags and these are a perfect size with a zipper.
Lastly- check out our new & improved website!! A special thanks goes to Anne Mahaffey who helped “rebuild” it using google, making it a lot easier to edit content, rather than what we had before with Square. Take a look-
Michelle Paddenburg,
Vice President, MHS Band Boosters Board
Are you...
Following us on Facebook?
Checking the band calendar?
Reading all messages that come from CutTime - which includes information about payments and volunteer signups.
using your Publix account to donate to Mav Band when you checkout!?
Supporting the band by participating in Spirit Nights?